Abstract | Sredinom 20. stoljeća prve automatske jurišne puške, kao oružje velike vatrene moći, ujedno
velikog kapaciteta i male mase, drastično su promijenile ratne sukobe i do kraja stoljeća dokazale
se kao najučinkovitije oružje u rukama vojnika. Uz težnju prema pobjedi, glavni cilj proizvođača
oružja tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata bio je konstruirati oružje s boljim karakteristikama kao što
su snaga, preciznost, dugovječnost i pouzdanost. Upravo puške Avtomat Kalashnikova
zadovoljavaju navedene kriterije te su ujedno i vrlo ekonomične u usporedbi sa zapadnim
oružjem. Uz navedeno, istaknute su i cijenjene zbog svojeg funkcioniranja u različitim uvjetima.
U istaknute jurišne puške spadaju AK-47, AK-107 i AK-12. Kroz obradu navedenih pušaka,
točnije od nastanka AK-47, zatim prvih verzija AK-100 serije te do najnovijih AK pušaka,
odnosno automatske jurišne puške AK-12, dolazimo do spoznaje glavnih razloga njihovog
nastanka, razvoja i napredovanja kroz povijest, uz to ističući različite osnovne dijelove,
karakteristike i principe rada.
U današnjici automatske jurišne puške spadaju u standardno pješačko oružje modernih vojski te
predstavljaju snažnu podlogu za budućnost daljnjeg razvoja automatskih pušaka. |
Abstract (english) | In the middle of the 20th century, the first automatic assault rifles, as weapons of great
firepower, both large capacity and light weight, drastically changed the war conflicts and by the
end of the century proved to be the most effective weapon in the hands of soldiers. In addition to
winning weight, the main goal of weapons manufacturers during World War II was to construct
weapons with better characteristics such as strength, precision, longevity, reliability, greater
range. Kalashnikov rifles meet the above criteria, and are also very economical compared to
Western weapons. In addition to the above, they are highlighted and appreciated for their
functioning under different conditions.
Prominent assault rifles include the AK-47, AK-107 and AK-12. Through the processing of these
rifles, more precisely from the creation of the AK-47, then the first version of the AK-100 series,
and to the latest AK rifles, or automatic assault rifle AK-12, we come to know their main reasons
for their origin, development and progress throughout history. emphasizing the various basic
parts, characteristics and principles of operation.
Today, automatic assault rifles are among the standard infantry weapons of modern military,
representing a strong foundation for the future further development automatic rifles. |