Abstract | Ovaj završni rad opisuje integraciju protuzrakoplovnog topa M167 VADS na
BOV Patriu u SPZT. U uvodu rada dotaknuti ćemo se same ideje i motivacije, te
ćemo postaviti pitanje zašto smo odabrali protuzrakoplovni top M167 VADS i borbeno
oklopno vozilo Patria, zašto implementirati protuzrakoplovni top M167 VADS na BOV Patriu.
Nakon što smo dali odgovor na to pitanje započeti ćemo raščlambu o tome što je uopće
protuzračna obrana. Iz razloga što se bavimo tematikom SPZT-a, dotaknuti ćemo se samog
topničkog naoružanja PZO-a. Nakon samog uvoda glavninu ovog završnog rada započeti ćemo
cjelinom koja će opisati sam PZT M167 VADS, njegovu povijest, osnovnu namjenu, inačice,
princip rada i projektile koje koristi. U trećoj cjelini baviti ćemo se BOV Patriom, gdje ćemo
istaknuti TT karakteristike vozila, motor, ovjes kotača i amortiziranje s naglaskom na daljinski
upravljiva oružana stanica (DUOS). Nakon opisa obiju sredstava, slijedi najbitnija cjelina koja
se bavi razlozima spajanja obiju sustava i potrebnim zahvatima. Sam kraj završnog rada i ove
teme zatvoriti ćemo opisom taktike, borbenih mogućnosti i uporabe samog SPZT Patria. |
Abstract (english) | In this final paper, we will write about the integration of the M167 VADS anti-aircraft gun on
Patria AMW into SPAAG. In the very introduction to this paper, we will mention ideas and
motivation, we will ask the question why are we chose the M167 VADS anti-aircraft gun and
the Patria armored modular vehicle, why implement the M167 VADS anti-aircraft gun on the
Patria AMW. By giving the answer to that question, we will begin an analysis of what air
defense is all about. Due to the fact that we are dealing with the topic of SPAAG, we will
mention the artillery weapons of the AA. After the introduction, the majority of this final paper
will begin with description of the PZT M167 VADS, its history, basic purpose, versions,
working principle and projectiles used. In the third part, we will deal with the Patria AMW,
where we will highlight the TT characteristics of the vehicle, engine, wheels and damping with
an emphasis on the remote-controlled weapon station (DUOS). After the description of both
means, the most important unit follows, which deals with the reasons for merging both systems
and the necessary interventions. The very end of the final work and these topics will be closed
by describing the tactics, combat capabilities and use of the SPAAG Patria
Keywords: Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, Combat armored vehicle, Air defense, Patria,
Artillery |