Title Analiza ruskih vojnih vježbi Zapad-2017 i Zapad-2021
Title (english) Analysis of Russian Military Exercises Zapad-2017 and Zapad-2021
Author Dino Dževrnja-Viro
Mentor Robert Barić (mentor)
Mentor Mladen Trnski (komentor)
Committee member Lidija Kos-Stanišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Barić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Trnski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Abstract Istraživanje završnog rada usmjereno je na definiranje uloge i značaja strateških vojnih vježbi
Zapad-2017 te Zapad-2021 unutar Oružanih snaga Ruske Federacije. Budući da se uzrok
postojanja ovih i sličnih vježbi može pronaći u bogatoj ruskoj vojnoj povijesti, a posljedice
mjeriti u ostvarenom geopolitičkom utjecaju i vojnoj moći Ruske Federacije, one su približno
realan indikator trenutnog smjera u kojem se Oružane snage Ruske Federacije razvijaju, ali i
šireg stava prema zapadnim
... More susjedima Ruske Federacije. Međutim, kako bi se značaj ovih
strateških vojnih vježbi mogao razumjeti, rad omogućuje uvid u jedinstven ruski pogled na
strateško okruženje i sigurnosne izazove, a koji se temelji na specifičnoj strateškoj državnoj i
vojnoj kulturi. Rad se također bavi specifičnim položajem i neizostavnim utjecajem vojske u
ruskom društvu, kao i reformskim procesima te modernizacijom svih grana oružanih snaga
Ruske Federacije počevši od kraja Hladnog rata pa do suvremenog doba. Težište rada posvećeno
je analizi strateških vojnih vježbi održanih u Zapadnom vojnom okrugu kroz posljednjih
nekoliko godina i to kroz niz relevantnih kriterija, a nudi i uvid u rusko razmišljanje na strateškoj
razini kroz pojašnjenje konceptualnog okvira vojne i borbene moći, uloge i vrste vojnih vježbi
koje se provode, načina na koji Rusi gledaju na rat te vođenja vojnih operacija na strateškoj
razini. Naposljetku, ponuđen je zaključak, uz autorovo osobno mišljenje, o važnosti dosad
održanih strateških vojnih vježbi te njihovoj relevantnosti (u smislu ostvarivanja nužnih
preduvjeta i stvaranja preteksta) glede trenutnog sukoba u Ukrajini. Isto tako, autor je kreativnim
i kritičkim razmišljanjem pokušao predvidjeti razvoj budućih vojnih vježbi (s obzirom na
naučene lekcije) u sklopu nove vojne doktrine oružanih snaga Ruske Federacije. Less
Abstract (english) SUMMARY
The driving idea behind the research part of this thesis is angled towards the definiton of the role
and impact which the strategic military exercises Zapad-2017 and Zapad-2021 have achieved
within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Considering the fact that the genesis of these
and other strategic exercises can be found in the rich and complex Russian military history, it can
be said that these exercises are an approximate indicator of the Russian Armed Forces'
... More current
heading in regards to military development and state relations with Russia's western neighbors.
However, in order to offer a well-rounded understanding of the importance of these strategic
exercises, this thesis firstly offers an insight into the unique Russian understanding of the
security domain and challenges, which is in turn founded on a specific state and military
strategic culture. The thesis also offers an overview of the specific standing and undeniable
power which the military holds within the wider Russian society, as opposed to Western
militaries stationed within democratic countries, as well as a look into the military modernization
and reformation programs carried out from the twilight of the Soviet Union till today. The main
part of the thesis is focused on an analysis of the two aforementioned and latest strategic military
exercises conducted in Russia's Western Military District. The analysis is made through the lens
of relevant criteria and thus offers additional insight into Russian strategic thinking. This is
further facilitated by offering the definitons of Russia's outlook into the conceptual framework of
warfighting, military power, combat power, role and various kinds of military exercises and,
lastly, the conduct of military operations on a strategic scale.
In the final part of the thesis, the author offers his own conclusions regarding not only the
importance of yesterday's strategic exercises but also their relevance in shedding light on the
ongoing Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In addition, using creative and critical thinking,
assumptions about forthcoming Russian strategic military exercises in regards to the new
Military Doctrine document are offered. Less
Ruska Federacija
ruska strateška kultura
modernizacija OS RF
strateške vojne vježbe
invazija na Ukrajinu
Keywords (english)
Russian Federation
Russian strategic culture
Russian Armed Forces modernization
strategic military exercises
invasion on Ukraine
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:250807
Study programme Title: Military Leadership and Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) vojnog vođenja i upravljanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) vojnog vođenja i upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-01-26 13:46:08